Do you have an idea or need to develop a new product or service?
You are in the right spot!
We develop and implement professional software solutions and when needed, we will search and implement required hardware for you.
Typical customer projects are anywhere between 1 to 12 months of development time.
We have capabilities for concepting and fast prototyping. This often helps customers test the product or service idea before going for full scale development.
Our process and development steps are described below.
Step for your success
Development platforms
Smart phone / tablet applications:
We develop smartphone / tablet software using Unity 3D. This platform has been developed since 2006 and it has 45% market share in development platforms used for game industry.
There are 4.5M registered developers around the world. Unity 3D supports platforms like IOS, Android, Windows, PS3, PS4, XBOX One, XBOX 360, Linux, Wii, WebGL, and HTML5. Our code is mainly written in C#, which is one of the commonly known programming languages among developers around the world.
Examples of Unity customers: Cartoon Network, Coca Cola, Disney, Electronic Arts, LEGO, Microsoft, NASA, Nexon, Nickelodeon, Square, Ubisoft, Warner Bros.
Service platform:
Our service platforms are built on MySQL or Microsoft Azure depending on the scale and the amount of the transactions expected. We can utilize other platforms as well depending on customer needs.
Service Management (Back Office):
Our service management environment is WWW based, which enables users to use and access the service with normal web browsers.
Our standard solution
Our standard solution includes a mobile application, a mobile service and service management (Back Office). All of these can be fully tailored to any given solution.
Customer solutions may have one, multiple or all building blocks implemented depending on the scale of the requested system.
We can integrate 3rd party data sources, sensors, measurement devices/systems etc. into the solution.
We have applied many leading-edge technologies in our solutions.
Our technology portfolio is expanding all the time.
Here is a short overview of technologies we are using and some possible use cases.
Connects real and virtual objects in a real environment.
Works interactively and in real time.
We have been applying this technology since 2014.
This technology is based on image recognition using a smartphone/tablet camera. After the specified part of the image has been identified, the application can start multiple operations (animation, text, video, sound) on top of the actual identified image that is seen in your device display.
There are many applications where this could be utilized:
Industry – detect a machine and show related maintenance instructions or instruct the user to set the machine in maintenance mode.
Interior decoration – show a 3D model of a sofa, fireplace etc. in real dimensions to study how it fits into your room.
Product launch – Show your latest product in your catalogue as a live 3D model instead of a 2D picture.
Example of our implementation in one of our products:
Get weather information from the nearest weather station.
We have been applying this technology since 2016.
This technology is based on GPS positioning. The nearest weather station is called by sending location data to a service and in return you will get weather station location, temperature, air pressure, humidity etc.
The service we utilize has more than 40 000 weather stations all over the world.
There are many applications where this could be utilized:
Modelling product behavior depending on environmental conditions (you assist a user to make the right decisions).
Assist in decision making in cases where weather conditions need to be considered (storm approaching, rain approaching etc.).
House temperature control where in addition to traditional temperature measurements, the system would consider the local weather and create savings.
A push notification is a message that pops up on a mobile device (similar to text messages – SMS). App publishers can send them at any time and users don’t have to be in the app or using their devices to receive them. Sending Push Messages is free of charge.
Notifications are very effective at getting end user attention. A user can enable or disable the feature to receive messages from an application. Messages can contain interactive content like pictures, links etc.
All OS providers have their own Push Notification Service (Apple,Google, Microsoft, Blackberry).
In the technology we use, the sending of messages can be timed in multiple ways e.g based on the most active time of the day (time when the application is used the most), by time zone, dedicated date, or time.
There are many applications where this technology could be utilized:
Inform users about a new release of the application, inform about the start of a competition, new product launch, important event, action to be taken based on timed event etc.
In solutions where the user is required to log in to the system, we use techniques which allow easy use and enough security to make sure the user owns the login information.
E.g. email/password account: User is validated by a confirmation link to the given email address to make sure about the ownership of the email account.
We have also implemented the support for Apple, Facebook and Google login solutions.
We can also implement more sophisticated authentication methods depending on application and customer needs.
Our data is stored in servers that are located in Northern Europe and are thus under privacy policies of the European Union.
We also have our privacy policy documented (you find it in our web site) and attached into application descriptions in application stores (App Store, Google Play Store, Windows Phone Store).
Location can be sorted out in multiple ways and with solution dependent accuracy.
Most location related solution have a GPS based system in the background. In GPS based solutions, the device determines its position by receiving location data from a minimum of 4 GPS satellites.
Smart Phone devices can typically reach 4.9 m accuracy in position. Accuracy can be improved on the receiver side by using dual frequency instead of typical one frequency.
There are multiple systems available for reaching even higher position accuracies (NDGPS, WAAS, CORS, GDGPS, IGS). Many of these are based on numerous ground stations and their more accurate position information, which is then forwarded to the end application.
We have used position information with Weather service, Ballistic calculations, OpenStreetMap and Google maps.
There are many applications where this technology could be utilized:
Navigators, Search nearest services based on your location, safety solutions, tracking solutions etc.
An application could offer many forms of digital content to be purchased.
There are multiple payment methods that are supported: credit card, gift card (in Finland these are available e.g. in R-Kioski), Operator billing (your Tele operator will add the payment to your bill).
Each OS provider has their own payment service (App Store, Google Play Store, Windows Phone Store).
We have utilized this feature / technology in multiple products.
There are many applications where this technology could be utilized:
Sell advanced features for your product, sell an annual license to use the application etc.
Mobile applications can be used to enable 3rd party advertising by enabling advertising channels.
Advertisements can be banners, full page and with video content.
With these channels, you can make additional income based on number of shown ads and the number of ad clicks.
These channels can also be used to run your own marketing campaigns. Campaigns can be profiled to show based on target country, target language, demography, connection type (Wi-Fi, Mobile Data) etc.
We have applied advertisement channels in the majority of our free to play applications.
There are many applications where this technology could be utilized:
Additional income by enabling advertisements, Marketing campaigns for own products or services
Why choose us?
We have long experience in system and software development from measurement systems to games.
We utilize agile methods in our development process. This enables full visibility and feedback on the project progress.. You will get a product release every 2 – 4 weeks to see and test the actual product in its current maturity.
Our code is developed and maintained in Finland.
What are the customers saying?
It has been a pleasure to work with RightSpot and to get innovative ideas from both parties melted into a successfully implemented product.
Please take a look at our customer references