Lapua Ballistics is designed to use 6DOF, the most precise ballistic calculation method. It runs in Android and iOS operating systems for smartphones and tablets. Special care and attention has been put into usability and versatile needs of the calculator.
You can easily define your own weapon and select latest Lapua cartridges and bullets from built in library that is automatically updated if new data is available. Define your weather information manually or upload it from your local weather station.
Based on the information, Lapua Ballistics will calculate the trajectory information for you. The calculation results are shown on numbers, sight picture, tables and graphs. Pick the one that best fits for your purpose.
Link to:
Application availability
Latest update
Version 1.0.59 was launched 28th of August 2020
Read more about new exiting features: Link
Download user guide (english): Linkki
Frequently Asked Questions
1. How to change Unit Values on Lapua Ballistics?
There is many ways to change unit values in Lapua Ballistics application. Different cases are explained on Lapua Ballistics User info document, Lapua Ballistics App info. Pages 7, 10 and 14.
2. Are you able to enter left Twist Rate?
Yes, give the twist rate with – value. For example -9.5.
3. Are you able to enter negative Coriolis Value
Yes, + for north value and – for south Coriolis value.
4. How to turn Lapua Ballistics off?
There is several ways to close the application depending on your Operating System (Android, IOS). Check from your device user guide how it’s done with your product in use.
5. Is there user manual for the application?
Yes, please download it from LINK
Lapua Ballistics, how we did it
Based on mobile applications that Erkki Seikkula (Sales and Marketing manager/ Lapua) had seen, he asked us to develop a new ballistics application for Lapua. According to Erkki, “It has to be easy to use, and the best in the market, living up to the Lapua brand promise of a Passion for Precision.” We took the challenge.
First step was to analyse existing Lapua tools for ballistics and interview the Lapua team for basic requirements. We scanned the market for similar applications. The actual project began by setting up a project team with knowledge and expertise from Lapua R&D, theoretical ballistics calculations and field experience. Marketing, Brand knowledge, Project management, UI design, coding and mobile services were also incorporated.
Once the project started, it was evident that we managed to form a team with the right skills. Reviews and actions were dealt with professionally and promptly.
The project was running smoothly and we released close to 20 incremental SW releases. We later extended the Beta test team to comment and follow the progress and development.
Project was exceptionally challenging, with all the related mathematics and a number of highly advanced features. Despite of that we met all schedules and budget.
We are very pleased with end result of the project. The end product we created has the most advanced and accurate calculation methods in the market. Despite the complexity and sophistication of this program, we managed to create a simple user interface with versatile analysis possibilities.
The Lapua Ballistics application has been downloadable worldwide to Apple and Android devices since autumn 2016.
Lapua Ballistics, customer feedback
Erkki Seikkula, Sales and Marketing Manager, Nammo Lapua Oy
Co-operation with Rightspot Ltd has been excellent, even though our core business isn’t mobile applications. Rightspot quickly understood our unique needs, and proactively proposed the right solutions to us. Project management and development resulted in high quality finished product. Their work was transparent with regular project reviews, action point follow-ups and decision making points clearly indicated.
As a result we have a ballistics application of which we can be proud. It serves the end user needs well and ideally reflects our brand image, thus being a perfect marketing tool for us.
It has been pleasure to work with RightSpot and to get innovative ideas from both parties melted into successfully implemented product.
VihtaVuori RELOAD

Vihtavuori Reload is a free of charge mobile application to help you with reloading process as well as to keep track of your reloading recipes. You can easily manage your current recipes as well as create new ones. Print out your recipes by sending those to your e-mail.
With Vihtavuori Reload you have easy access to latest Vihtavuori Reloading Data as well as other Vihtavuori information.
Link to:
Application availability
Latest update
Version 1.49 was launched 26th of June 2020
New features: Apple Sign In, Android App Bundle support
Frequently Asked Questions
I can’t login to VihtaVuori RELOAD
Error: ”Invalid email address”
Check your e-mail address
We discovered that sometimes the text editor in Android devices leaves additional space at the end of the email address. Especially if you type email address that you have already been using and select the “auto” routine to copy the email to editor.
So please check that there is no extra empty space at the end of your email address when you type that.
This issue has been fixed from version 1.26 onwards
Is the FB login and email login going to same account?
Both options will create their own accounts. FB login and E-mail login does not harmonize data between each other.
Application has been made for Finnish Shooting Sport Federation to support sport shooting school activities of young.

Product DataManagement and Publishment Solution
Cloud based management and publishment solution. Customer: Nammo Vihtavuori Oy