New release (v1.49) for Vihtavuori Reload application was published 26th of June 2020
Features for both Android and iOS version are the same although there is now few operating system required specifics.
Google Play Store / Android
App Bundle support
App Bundle enables to deliver software releases that are optimized for each device configuration. This means your users enjoy a smaller app download without the unused code and resources needed for other devices.
App Store / iOS
Update to keep you up with latest software releases from Apple
Sign in with Apple
You can now create and log into your account with Apple credentials.
Please note that:
Although Apple offers an option not to share your email address while creating your account we strongly recommend to share it with Vihtavuori service. Sharing an email address will maintain you with an option to connect/link your accounts (using same email address) into one later on.
If you have already existing Vihtavuori account with same email address connected to your Apple ID you will be instructed to continue using that.
Google Play / Android version does not have an option available to Sign in with Apple.
Read more about Vihtavuori ReloadÂ