About Biathlon X5 Pro


Biathlon is one of the most famous winter sports at TV. One world cup or World Championships TV broadcast has 10s of millions of spectators. So there is interest to sports but maybe less than 1% of fans can try Biathlon sport hands on.

Based on our background in Biathlon and Sport shooting we decided to put our knowledge and technology to work together. We made few fast sketches (you would laugh if  you would see those) to evaluate how close to actual sport you can get with Smart devices. We were convinced and the development started…..

To be successful in biathlon you need to maintain many parameters: Skiing speed ( this will impact your heard rate and energy), body balance, aiming and pulling trigger (understanding the sight picture with right timing of your triggering finger), taking the wind impact into account (wind will impact to bullet trajectory) by adjusting the rifle sights. 


Shooting to falling targets, rifle movement, rifle loading, wind conditions, sights adjustments, skiing speed and even rifle zeroing in live competition is modelled. We also recorded the sounds of Rifle firing, Target hit or miss, rifle reloading by using authentic stuff in real biathlon shooting arena. 

All this is based to 10s of years of experience, of biathlon and sports shooting.


Features That Makes it Worth!

The Reasons You’ll Love It

Multi language support

English, Finnish, German, Russian

Multi languages supported

English, Finnish, German, Russian

Skiing speed management

You can adjust the speed by pre-setting or instant or combined

Skiing speed management

You can adjust  the speed by pre-setting or instant or combined.

Skiing speed will impact to your energy consumption and heard beat. These combined will determine how easy or difficult the shooting will be

Training mode

You can use Play Now mode for training

Training mode

In training mode you have 2 options: Simple and Advanced

With simple mode you can concentrate just to learn the right aiming picture and triggering to get the targets to fall. You cannot adjust the skiing speed and also the shooting happends in 0 wind (no need to adjust the rifle sights)

With advanced mode you can control your skiing speed, there is changing wind conditions so you need to practise also the rifle sights adjustment




Live competition

When ever there is Live competition planned you can join to race

Live competition

Biathlon X5 Pro users have free access to Live games with no cost by using Head Start.

So you do not have to wait until the Live game officially starts for all users.

Live games also includes Rifle zeroing with 5 bullets. You can take your time and adjust the sights to wind that will be seen through out your race.

Before you start your race you can pick up  3 of the the current Live players in top 50 list into your run. You will see how your opponents are performing in your race.

50 best players will get into world wide ranking list of the competition.

Follow the results

Results are available at Biathlon Center menu

Follow the results

Results of ongoing Live competition or earlier finished competitions can be found under Biathlon Center Menu.

There is also information about currently added actual Biathlon World Cup sites (www links and facebook links)

Calendar view will show the current schedules for actual real life Biathlon World Cup competitions and their start time (if you want e.g. to follow the races from TV broadcasts)


Store items are for free!


Store items are for free for all Biathlon X5 Pro users.

Remove adds – you can disable advertisements (banners and full page ads)

Live game notification – you will receive notification via push messaging when ever next Live game is starting

World Cup notification – you will receive notification via push messaging when ever the is one hour to next World Cup competition start (TV broadcast)

All rifles are free for you to select

Use full benefits of free accessories

Adjust your biathlon rifle to cope with wind conditions.

Works exactly like real.

This is modelled from authentic rifle and sights


Easy to use interface. You’ll love it

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